Official way to add files to a livecd with livemedia-creator
Niene Rink
2021-04-02 13:35:02 UTC
really sorry when this is not the right place for the question.

I want to add own files to the home of liveuser.

I read many tutorials and the last one notes, that you have to add this
in the %post nochroot section of the flatks file.

I am using a mock environment and add the specific files to the root of
my mock, than add the section with:

tar -xvf test.tar.gz -C $INSTALL_ROOT/home/liveuser/

also the comand:
setxkbmap -de

in the section does not work.

Than i recreate the iso, putting the stuff into the %post section, as
mentioned also in a blog, no effort.

So, my question:
Is it possible to add files to the lived userhome directory or to the
livecd filesystem?
If yes, what is the official or best way to do this?

thx and greetings from germany

Jörn Rink
Niene Rink
2021-04-03 12:39:55 UTC
Am Fri, 2 Apr 2021 15:35:02 +0200
hat Niene Rink <***@gmail.com> (Niene Rink) folgendes

since yesterday i am a step further.

from a post which is closed:


a guy describes exact my problem. Brian ansers and closed this threat
with the info to use --add-arch-template.

I recognize, that lmc has not the parameter, i look into the default
arch templates, i found a section, but this section is not in the
template which livemediacreator uses.

so i add this section in the

template. Cause i am not familar with the mako language, after trial
and error a lot, i set the workdir, which is not set to "." in the

i create a iso-graft in my mock chroot root and move a testfile inside.

build the live iso and, voila, its there, but not where i am expect it.
As i remember correctly, it was in the /run/.... tree, not in the root

I still try to search a method to put files into the live os tree.

i am able to create a directory there (with the post section of the
flatten ks file) but i am not able to move a file inside that

So, is there an easy way to move files to a liveos with lmc from a
mock environment?
Post by Niene Rink
really sorry when this is not the right place for the question.
I want to add own files to the home of liveuser.
I read many tutorials and the last one notes, that you have to add
this in the %post nochroot section of the flatks file.
I am using a mock environment and add the specific files to the root
tar -xvf test.tar.gz -C $INSTALL_ROOT/home/liveuser/
setxkbmap -de
in the section does not work.
Than i recreate the iso, putting the stuff into the %post section, as
mentioned also in a blog, no effort.
Is it possible to add files to the lived userhome directory or to the
livecd filesystem?
If yes, what is the official or best way to do this?
thx and greetings from germany
Jörn Rink